Our timber is made from pine and spruce. It is soft and easy to process without chips and internal cracks. The coherent structure of the tree has a beautiful pattern and durability, therefore it is often used in the construction of houses, utility rooms and gazebos, as well as for interior and exterior decoration.
Choosing softwood timber
Spruce and pine wood substance are similar to each other, but have a number of significant differences. Spruce is more suitable for interior decoration due to its low weight, light aroma and neutral color. Due to its high density, low moisture absorption and resistance to different weather, pine is chosen for the construction of log houses and exterior decoration.
Types of softwood timber
Edged board of natural moisture
- Natural moisture is an indicator of the amount of moisture in a tree at the time of its growth or after harvesting. It can range from 30% to 80%. It is impossible to use such material in construction immediately as the wood dries out unevenly. If the board is already fixed, deformation and gaps can pop up. In addition humid environment becomes a breeding ground for mold.
- Before use timber is being dried in a natural way: they are stored in piles and kept this way until they dry.

Our sawn timber of natural moisture is manufactured in standard sizes:
- — Length: 2, 3, 6 m
- — Height: 27 mm
- — Width: 103, 123, 153, 204 mm
- — Grade: from 1 to 5
Edged board of transport / dry moisture (18% or 12%). Maximum allowed humidity deviation is +/- 2%.
- For this type of sawn timber, we use kiln drying. This helps to get a quick result - edged boards retain an ideal geometric shape, and its moisture content decreases to 10-20% in a few days. With this humidity level boards become lighter, helping us saving on logistics expenses. Dry timber can be immediately used for construction purpose.

Our sawn timber of transport / dry moisture is manufactured in standard sizes:
- — Length: 3.0, 4.8, 5.1, 5.4, 5.7, 6 m
- — Height: 25, 47 mm
- — Width: 100, 150, 200 mm
- — Grade: 1 to 4
The quality of our products is confirmed by many years of cooperation: we export 90% of dry sawn timber.
Slab board

- We produce it from edged boards: planed - with a smooth surface and unplanned with a rough surface. It is used for the construction of fences and barriers.
- Such a board undergoes additional processing with special substances to withstand any natural conditions.
- Our slab board of natural moisture is produced in standard sizes:
- — Length: 2 and 3 m
- — Height: 27 mm
- — Width: 103, 153 mm
Pallet board
Our pallet board is produced in standard sizes:
- — Length: 800 and 1200 mm
- — Height: 27 mm
- — Width: 103, 123, 153 mm
Dry timber waste
These are timber waste obtained during the production of sawn timber at the stage of boards cross-cutting. Dry timber waste is used as a fuel in the production of cellulose or in the production of solid and glued blanks.

Product quality
All softwood timber is produced in accordance with GOST 26002-83.