Company details
Below you can find the details of the company. If you need to obtain additional documents: certificate of state registration, taxpayer identification number, you can contact the accounting department.
Full name: | “Ivanovo Timber Company” Limited Liability Company |
Short title: | “ITC” LLC |
TIN/KPP | 3702539857/370201001 |
OGRN: | 1073702040961 |
OKVED: | 16.21.11, 02.20, 02.40.2, 16.10, 16.10.1, 16.10.2, 16.10.9, 16.2, 16.21.21 |
Legal address: | 153008, room 66, 4 floor, building 55, Lezhnevskaya str., Ivanovo |
Postal address: | 153008, room 66, 4 floor, building 55, Lezhnevskaya str., Ivanovo |
Phone number: | 8 (4932) 93-70-60 |
E-mail address: | |
Bank details, corporate bank account: |
In RUB: bank account 407 028 102 170 000 089 81 in the Ivanovo branch No. 8639 of Sberbank PJSC, Ivanovo; corresponding bank account 30101810000000000608 BIK 042 406 608 In USD: 40702840517001000001 In EUR: 40702978217001000163 In CNY: 40702156717001000045 SWIFT: SABRRUM3 |
Full name of the head of the enterprise, his position and document on the basis of which they act | Kornev Vladimir Sergeevich - General Director, acts on the basis of the Charter. |